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bittorrent file

2023年11月8日—qBittorrentisthebestfreetorrentclientin2023.Butit'snottheonlyonethatcanhelpyoudownloadandmanagefilesefficientlyand ...,BitTorrent,alsoreferredtoassimplytorrent,isacommunicationprotocolforpeer-to-peerfilesharing(P2P),whichenablesuser...

µTorrent (uTorrent)


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Best free torrent clients for 2023

2023年11月8日 — qBittorrent is the best free torrent client in 2023. But it's not the only one that can help you download and manage files efficiently and ...


BitTorrent, also referred to as simply torrent, is a communication protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P), which enables users to distribute data and ...

BitTorrent Classic

BitTorrent Classic is a bulk torrent downloader that helps you to download dozens of files simultaneously. Prioritize for faster downloads. Downloading more ...


Stream torrents while you download. Quickly download and play torrent files. Ideal for new users. ; The original torrenting app. Fast, bulk torrent downloading ...

BTFS 2.0 BitTorrent File System

BTFS (BitTorrent File System) is the next-generation decentralized file storage system built for Web 3 applications. BTFS provides a global decentralized ...

Download BitTorrent Clients for Windows

An easy-to-use online torrent downloader and player. For Windows (17.95 MB) | English (US) – 9/10/2019. Free Download. BitTorrent Web Screenshot.

The First Scalable Decentralized Storage System

BTFS is the first scalable, decentralized file storage system, revolutionizing file storage while improving security and combating censorship.

Torrent file

A torrent file acts like a table of contents (index) that allows computers to find information through the use of a BitTorrent client. With the help of a ...

Windows Torrent Downloaders

We offer free and premium torrent clients for Windows, including web-based and desktop applications. Choose the best BitTorrent Windows client and download.

µTorrent (uTorrent)

Download torrents with the official µTorrent client for Windows, Mac, Android and Linux with desktop and web-based options available.


2023年11月8日—qBittorrentisthebestfreetorrentclientin2023.Butit'snottheonlyonethatcanhelpyoudownloadandmanagefilesefficientlyand ...,BitTorrent,alsoreferredtoassimplytorrent,isacommunicationprotocolforpeer-to-peerfilesharing(P2P),whichenablesuserstodistributedataand ...,BitTorrentClassicisabulktorrentdownloaderthathelpsyoutodownloaddozensoffilessimultaneously.Prioritizeforfasterdownloads.Downl...